Thursday 28 March 2013

The Fear...

I have never really been one for writing diaries or documenting my life. Perhaps this is why it has taken me so long to getting around to posting my first, well, post! Call it fear of the unknown, the unloved, the unpopular, who knows, it is hard to put a finger on it.

But here I am nonetheless, putting it out there for you all to read and hopefully to enjoy!

My passion, as you can probably guess, is photography. Although this hasn't always been the case. In fact I am relatviely new to the field and didn't acquire my first DLSR until 2007. That is not to say that I have never owned a camera previously. I would always take a disposable or old film camera with me when going abroad, on holiday, but these were purely for capturing trypical holiday snaps. It never entered my head that I might one day take it more seriously and eventually try to carve out a name for myself!

What truly excites and fascinates me about photography, is the ability to be able to capture a moment in time. This may sound a bit corny but if you stop and think about it for a moment, it really is a magical thing.

With the weather in the UK being so unseasonal at the moment I felt it only right that my first blogged photograph should reflect this. I for one love the Winter and hope that we can have many more snowy and cold ones to come.

Copyright Paul Fitzgerald Photography
Arboretum, Nottingham City Centre, Winter 2012/13

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