Thursday 20 June 2013

The Birds, They are a Fledging...

Life can be very unpredictable at times and you just never know what is going to visit your garden and when. Last year we were fortunate enough to have a pair of Nuthatches visit. I was very excited as I love these characterful little birds and was hopeful that they may stay around and possibly roost. Alas though, this wasn't to be and after regularly visiting our feeders for well a over month, they just upped and disappeared and we hadn't seen them again. That was until yesterday (if indeed it was the same pair). 

It was very humid yesterday and the sun was shining so after a spot of gardening I took time out and just sat and watched the other birds that we have visiting, to-ing and fro-ing to the feeders. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed something flying in at great speed. If you have seen a Nuthatch you'll know they are incredibly fast and constantly on the move, darting here, there, and everywhere. But to my great surprise and utter delight this was a Nuthatch, which was then joined by another Nuthatch and then shortly after that and a lot of commotion three more followed. It was a pair of adult Nuthatches and their recently fledged young! I thought how lucky am I and how strange. I had not seen any Nuthatches for about 6-8 months and then all of a sudden 5 turn up at once. I like to think that it is the same pair that visited last year and that they were undertaking a reconnaissance for the future, but it in all honesty I don't really know. Still, what a marvelous site. 

The Nuthatches aren't the only birds to have fledged recently, in fact it seems that all of sudden everything is fledging! In addition to the lovely Nuthatches we have Blue Tits, Goldfinches, Starlings, Blackbirds, Dunnocks and Robins all feeding their recently fledged young. I think this highlights just how useful and helpful a resource our feeding stations are to wild birds and what a wonderful sight you get in return. Can there be any greater start or end to your day than by watching this cycle of life. 

I took this shot of a Nuthatch last year at one of our local country parks. What a stunning bird they are and definitely one of my favorites! 

Copyright Paul Fitzgerald Photography

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