Tuesday 23 April 2013

Little Things...

In addition to my passion for wildlife and landscape photography I also thoroughly enjoy photographing weddings. I am very much a people person and there is no better environment to test your photographic and people skills. The weddings that I have photographed to date have been a very enjoyable experience, although a lot more stressful and intense than I first might have imagined. You can never underestimate the importance the role of a wedding photographer has and arguably, I think it would be fare to say, that it is the most important! After all, you are solely responsible for documenting your clients big day and all of their treasured memories, and these are something they'll want to look back on forever.

When photographing a wedding I like to be organised and have as much to hand as feasibly possible. The last thing a Bride and Groom want to see is the photographer flapping about rummaging for everything he might need. Don't forget, the client is just as likely to be nervous and will want everything to go like clockwork, so being well organised will give them one less thing to worry about and help to put them at ease.

Preparation is also another very important factor and a virtue that I swear by. As the saying goes ''fail to prepare, prepare to fail!'' and this is so very, very true. Little things, like making sure you have enough batteries, that these are fully charged, that you have your charger with you, ensuring that your flash cards are all formatted and ready to go, cleaning your lenses so there are no grubby fingerprints on them, having some snacks with you as the day will be long and you don't know when you might next get a bite to eat (it's very important to keep you energy levels up). All of these little things make a big difference on the day and will enable it to go much more smoothly and be far more enjoyable.

One of things I rtry to always keep at the forefront of my mind when photographing any wedding, is that my client has invested a great deal of time and a lot of expense organising their big day. The Bride will want everything to be perfect and this will have included a lot of personal touches. With this in mind, I always endeavor to capture these details.  Whether they be home crafted name cards, table centers, signage, decorations, props etc. they all add to making their day special, memorable and unique to them. They also make wonderful additions to the wedding album/books.

So, If you have a wedding planned for the Summer and have yet to book a photographer we are currently taking bookings. You can view some of the weddings I have photographed to date here and find out more about the packages I offer here. I am always happy to provide a free, no obligation, consultation.

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