Monday 1 April 2013

Nottingham City Centre - Winter 2012/13

Something must have changed in the weather towards the back end of the first decade of the new millennium - some say it is cyclical, others put it down to the lack of activity from the sun, whatever the reason maybe it has led to a welcome return (IMO) to much more seasonal weather throughout our winter months. For those of you living further north, you maybe wondering what on earth I am waffling on about, but prior to the last four winters you could count on one hand the number of times we saw snow in Nottingham since the 1980's - it has really been that bad! And when the snows did arrive, it was either in very small quantities or just melted within a few hours. It was all very depressing, especially for someone like me, who just loves the cold and snow!

As you can imagine though, I have since been making up for lost time and at every opportunity have been out either photographing the city centre or the local wildlife.

Last year I made the decision to purchase a higher grade 'point & shoot' camera that provides me with the control of an SLR (to a point) whilst not be being too intrusive and giving me the flexibility to carry it everywhere, everyday. The very retro and quirky Fuji X100 was my camera of choice and once I mastered it's nuances I haven't looked back and absolutely love it! 

The following pictures were captured this winter in and around Nottingham City Centre with the X100...

Copyright Paul Fitzgerald Photography
Robin Hood, Nottingham Castle

Copyright Paul Fitzgerald Photography
Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem

Copyright Paul Fitzgerald Photography
The Infamous Lions, Market Square, Nottingham!

Copyright Paul Fitzgerald Photography
The Arboretum

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